Social Media In India

So everyone knows about social media. or do they? We are trying to expand our offices in India and interviewing potential candidates has been a real eye opener.

The vast crevasse of What constitutes a good Social offering was completely lost upon the Indian public. For a country with the most Facebook users in the world, Social Media for brands seems to mean only one thing…complaining.

Now the aptitude and potential to learn and evolve in India is unquestionable, and after a little bit of probing and some ‘homework’ the definitions supplied in second interviews was a cataclysmic shift in their initial understanding. Which warrants the question; Is India ready for proper, cutting edge, probing Social Media Strategies. The answer, ABSOLUTELY. In-fact the potential is huge. As one of the emerging superpowers of Industry and Tech, India is crying out for a western outlook on Social, to revamp and re-kindle brands perception, and open a portal of conversation between brand and user.

Obviously the sensibilities of the masses in India are different to what they are in the UK and Europe but the tonality shouldn’t matter if the strategy is correct. India, and Indian brands and companies need proper social more than they even know.

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