
Social Media Strategy Planning

Social media can be incredible tools for your business, providing you with more customer insight, direct communication channels and the ability to measure the effectiveness of these conversations very closely.

But as the proliferation of social media platforms grow, participating can turn into little more than a giant time ‘black hole’ without some sort of structure behind it. With that in mind, we create succinct and innovative strategies that will plan and evolve your company’s Social Media prowess.

Social Media Management

Social media management is one of the greatest challenges facing businesses today. It also is one of the most important aspects of properly maintaining a company’s image in fast-paced, fully connected world.

Figuring out the right way to utilize these social media outlets can be a major undertaking for nearly any company not focused on the business model. This is why it pays to enlist the help of a professional enterprise dedicated to the full range of social media sites. Building a base of clients using companies like Twitter and Facebook continues to prove to be a big win for nearly any business model, regardless of whether the company is a large marketing firm, small business or nonprofit.

Puma Social for search

The sheer volume of social media marketing and search engine optimization options can make it difficult for companies to make sense of what direction they should take.

There are many models and approaches to leveraging optimized content for discovery through search and how to develop social networks to engage customers and promote content.  It comes down to fundamentals and we think we have the solution when it comes to the Social SEO puzzle. We can help companies of any size to get started in a more meaningful way on their journey towards becoming productive on what is now a very social web.

Online Reputation Management

Wikipedia says:

“Online reputation management (ORM) is the act of monitoring, addressing or mitigating SERPs (search engine result pages) or mentions in online media and Web sphere content. ORM primarily involves tracking what is written about a client on the Internet, then utilizing sophisticated online and offline techniques in promoting positive and neutral content, while at the same time pushing down those links the sponsor (in most cases business or individuals) may not want to…”Blah Blah Blah

We say we simply make you look good. We do this by making sure that we crawl the net for potential detractors and with a little bit of online wizardry, we make them like you again.

It’s also wise to never forget the people that like you already. Through incentives and written ‘pat on the back’ we make them like you more.

If there’s a crisis were cool calm and collected. Just call us the A-team for social.

Social Media Tech Support and Training

We understand that sometimes you have the capacity to look after your social environment within your own business…all you need is a little helping hand a nudge in the right direction.

At PumaSocial we devise a training programme suited to your specific industry and we keep in mind the skill set of your employees. We make it fun and easy to learn the best practices for social with our engaging seminars and training programme. You’ll have fun and learn how to manage your own social profile and that of your business.

Don’t worry we wont leave you in the learch after we’ve finished, we know its an evolution and offer a comprehensive service so questions are welcomed!

Social Media Policy

Having guidelines for you staff can prevent a PR disaster. Outlining how you expect your staff to behave online and helping them understand how best to utilize privacy settings can preserve your companies’ reputation, and their Jobs!

In the age of sharing and opinions that are available to everyone, it is important to understand and define a policy for your staff. We know your busy that’s why we do it for you! And then to back up the notion, we will even come in and talk to your staff about it. Don’t say we don’t treat you well!





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